You make a valid point.
My country has the best anthem written in our language then.
The most magical pope of them all.
I can have you banned from all libraries and arcane magic centers if I catch you using forbidden magicks.
Happy magicking!
You make a valid point.
My country has the best anthem written in our language then.
My country has the best people that come from my country. Fight me.
Fuck you and have a nice day.
Picture for the last 10-20 years can look quite similar without any real identification of the time. I sometimes play a daily game that gives you an image and you have to guess the time taken and place. Anything from the last 20 years shot on a camera and without any visible technology and just some random people and buildings can be quite indistinct. Could be 2004 or 2024. Hard to tell.
Well they have their own home grown Mussolini wannabe anyway.
I have never in my life encountered one.
Well then I am wrong.
I moght be wrong but is not practice a noun and practise a verb?
Fuck fuck fuck fuck cunt bitch asshole stop censoring swears.
You’re, work out?, practise, every day?
Yeah pretty much
Yeah they like to steal yoghurt from your fridge and smear it on the bathroom mirror.
As long as you keep it until 30 the powers are yours. You cannot be stripped of them. If you get to 40 you get even more powers. But if you lose your Virginity between 30 and 40 you keep rhe powers.
There are other ways of aquiring mystic arts and powers. The aforementioned is just the kost straightforward.
Be careful to keept it then. My people are watching. If you lose your Virginity there go the powers.
Sure it’s horrific bit it is exactly the type of headline that makes you think it’s posted by the onion.
We need a BrandNewSentence community.
That just looks wrong considering smrt literally means death in ym language.
At least us earlier gen z grew up without smartphones being the thing. If I wanted anything done I had to use a computer. Smartphones only became as prevalent as they are now when I was about 12-14 (at least that’s what it feels like).