Yes. The OP of this thread needs to back up their claim that getting knocked out will kill you
Yes. The OP of this thread needs to back up their claim that getting knocked out will kill you
Hope you enjoy the fallout that a large unvaccinated population causes even in those who are vaccinated
It’s making fun of her awkward use of memes during her own campaign. The low quality of the joke is part of it
Now this is shitposting
That was actually very clever
I like roboinvester accounts. You put money in, it automatically invests in stocks for you based on your current age and risk tolerance (which you can change whenever you like). I particularly like Wealthfront, and their app/website are really good. They’ll manage $10-15k for free, and then above that you pay a small fee out of your earnings for their service. If you use someone’s sign-up link, they’ll bump your managed amount by $5k. Comment back if you’re interested and I can share mine. Good luck with your investment, whatever you choose!
Bro it literally took me 4 seconds to find out that you’re talking out of your ass
Imo this would be much better without the text at the top
What in the Interdimensional Cable is this?
And exude is not the word they wanted there - most likely it should have been exert
Fuck you, thank you
Because it’s potentially indicative of a national database of everyone’s DNA, rather than just the criminal database, which would be (and perhaps is) a privacy nightmare
I was already convinced, you don’t have to keep selling me
Wow, what an incredibly bad take. Kudos, I’m genuinely impressed
Idk why everyone is being such a wet blanket in here, these things are great