wish these companies making soft routers would give a couple options with a nas case instead. 4 bay n5105 or n100 for cheap would be a nice low power side grade to my old e3,
wish these companies making soft routers would give a couple options with a nas case instead. 4 bay n5105 or n100 for cheap would be a nice low power side grade to my old e3,
on kbin we have reputation, which is nearly impossible to keep positive, because it counts downvotes but not upvotes. They are working on fixing it though.
hp t530 or dell wyse 3040 or 5070 thin clients
Yeah. There are a lot of them, all pretty good. servethehome has done reviews for many- N100 version
If they removed all but one 2.5gbe port, it might not even be any more expensive to give 4 sata and a case.