Ass to ass.
Ass to ass.
Slow bolt action rifle? That tells me all i need to know about your knowledge of guns.
It never ends with this game. It’s just like an infinite turd coming out of my ass.
The Artax seen was sad, sure.
The Rockbiter mourning the death of his friends and waiting for his? That’s the scene that made me ugly cry as a kid.
Linux corrupted. Windows update failed and crashed. GRUB has a fatal error.
My computer is dead.
There’s a bit of an echo in some places.
Honestly, it’s not that hard these days.
Hell yes! I can shit post there!
I just love how Bit strips was a terrible thing and how bertstrips was made to make fun of it and outlive the orginal.
I’m sorry… I’m way outta the loop on this one.
Someone explain?
I’m left, and one of my best friends is right.
Sure, we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of politics, but we do have a lot of common ground. Even get into arguments now and again. But we always end up seeing things a little different and then telling some jokes about each other’s parties after.
Immediately writing someone off because of a political view of a great way to get into an echo chamber.
Dude, I live in one and very left.
I don’t want that… wait, would that mean my taxes would go down?
Drugs might be the better option at this point.
I’m not happy to pay money for that DLC.
Are you kidding me? Already have 1400 hours in the game. And if this DLC is gonna double the base game, I’m screwed.
The formatting on Twitter is what kept me from using it.
Is it a cellular peptide cake?
I own an iron because after washing fabric, it gets wrinkles.
Do you know how much a pain in the ass it is to sew wrinkled fabric? Flat and smooth is the easiest way to do that.
I tried. I really tried to like GIMP. The main reason I don’t like it is because it’s trying so hard to be a professional picture editor and the UI.
Why can’t I deselect things? Why does something need to be selected at all times? Let me just click a button and remove the selection outline and deselect things.
No. I won’t help the dev team because I can’t code to save my ass. I turn wrenchs and fix things for a living.
I use other, simpler pic editors. Why should I learn to fly a Boeing 747 when a Cessna 172 will get me where I need to go? I’m making a shit post once every three months, not professional art.
Do they live near Salad Fingers?