Didn’t even have smartphones either.
Didn’t even have smartphones either.
Read whole page. Not sure what Obsidian even is?
The class action against META gonna be huge.
Um, actually, autism was termed in 1980s…
Sorry Ukraine, that we elected a small handed baby, who is a terrible leader. Hopefully, things work out for you. Sincerely, U.S.A.
Gonna have to wear a disguise, just to buy groceries.
Linux study, finds that relying on MS kills critical thinking skills. 😂
Yes, English, Spanish, and whatever the Quebec speak.
Orange peels are yummy.
More targeted advertising, just what humanity needed.
Fuck ICE
Why, where they trained using MAIN STREAM NEWS? That could explain it.
Or are we missing something? It would be plainly obvious without the tp roll, no?
Do these people read?
Seriously, why people feel attached to office in 2025.
The left is dealing Left-out. And journalism standards are very low.
Wouldn’t want to work for blue cross…
More tax giveaways to the industrial military complex.
My class action Spidey sense is tingling