Its sad to see how my country is going shittier every fucking day
Step 1. Make it federative Step 2. Stop fucking hosting your shit on Amazon servers. Step 3. Profit
Compatible with node
Fukushima did not a fundemantel design flaw. Its was literally next to sea. Also renewables can never replace oil if they cant even store excess energy yet lmao
Roof of chernobyl was literally made out of wood
Coal plants gives more radiation through radioactive mercury as a left over from processign
We solved that shit years ago
Rare Poland W
XSS, Seriously?
No shit sherlock
Thats insteresting
Bit of an unrelated but as you know there is a quite bit LGBT invidiuasl in fediverse. and i think you know HOW MUCH HOMOPHOBIA is in Instagram and Threads aswell. by day one i saw countless anti-lgbt posts on threads. and i dont think its a good idea to bring those people to fediverse.
I dont want a platform that owned by a Genocide helper corporation. Also threads will bring a moderation nightmare just like @[email protected] said. they explained it well
Many people dont realize you dont need growth be successful. Hot take but Fediverse will never be popular as FAANG social media and i am cool with it. We have this nice and cozy enviroment with like minded people instead of soulles normie culture at threads. Why we are working on constantly trying to bring this shitty culture to our small cozy enviroment. One of the reasons i started to use reddit originally (Then fediverse) is that i hate the culture platforms like Instagram has. Its full of crap and it has everything wrong with 21st century culture packed in a ready to consume package
Your average Threads user has 0 fucks about privacy. I dont think they would care about privacy
Probaly some Ottoman coins since my father runs buisness selling old money.