kissinger's death recently has led me to understand a few things. your hard right republicans pretrump are realpolitik. they want america on top no matter the cost. MAGA is a grift that's all about squeezing every penny out of the hyper-religious and or uneducated and or fascists. they don't care where america comes out in the end. cheney(s) et al want america on top no matter the cost. MAGA wants themselves on top no matter the cost. project for the new american century is USA USA USA no matter the morals. MAGA is we're number 1 (but just us not you)
oh boy - his followers aren't going to mars, his kind are. and when they do…it will be because they don't need us anymore. they'll leave us to their steaming shit-pile of rubble the rest of us called earth
if anyone's interested in some further reading / contextual information on this article / conflict specifically (or conflict generally):
"a fart is a turd honking for the right of way"
don't they all have school to go to?
you do it with massive funding to public education for generations.
which is why massive first amendment violations are more likely
Alito […] was reduced to incoherence himself
…huh…didn't expect that from such a distinguished jurist
of course GC/BC is a metaphor. ACAB. and they aren’t elected to help us but to represent us. they fail, but like i said, one side is rushing to put everything to an end and the other is at least making a poor showing of keeping up the pretense.
good cop bad cop.
no. i do not mean both sides are the same. one side wants the status quo to remain but isn’t taking seriously the fact that their bad cop partner is going to take them both down. maybe because they’re all as fucking old as possible.
i am not sure i’m comfortable with expressing a desire to string anyone up but i agree that when WEAREALLDOMESTICTERRORISTS isn’t a statement that grinds this whole shitshow to a halt and we examine wtf is going on in the US … then wtf are people doing?
“manhattan project - we don’t need any more from those democrat run cities”
“apollo program - sounds like the name of one of those groomer drag shows”
i don’t like putting words in others’ mouths, but if i had to guess, or if it were my comment, my sentiment would be there’s nothing that would be constitutionally permitted that would cause or allow him to feel joy. the only way he feels joy is if it’s something to the determent of the american public and their consitution.
but i’m not speaking for winterayars, they can speak for themselves if they wish to clarify.
got the skeet blanket ready
attributed to john lennon: “if you tried to give rock and roll another name you might call it ‘chuck berry’”
attributed to bob dylan: chuck berry is “the shakespeare of rock and roll”
…how ‘articulate’ do you need to be?
what a nonce
if you're going through florida, keep going