in order to visit one side of my family, which lives over 1000 miles away, a plane is by far the most convenient and fastest method.
that 6 year old clearly needs to learn the importance of silence. A commercial airliner deserves no praise, flights are no more special than train rides or bus rides.
if the court system allowed deferring partial fault for “preventable” deaths to the hospital for employing practices that are not in the best interests of the patient it might give them a financial incentive.
someone has a job to collect them and unless the parking lot is even close to full there’s no risk for any vehicles getting damaged from a few dozen loose carts.
what signs? Only a few stores have any signs explicitly mentioning where carts should go, it’s just typically common sense that it shouldn’t go in the middle of the road.
It’s almost as if volte being a* proprietary technology hurts consumers and a lack of emergency test numbers (numbers that use the emergency system but are just for testing that it works) makes things harder.
*potentially multiple technologies
To be fair, phone books are far from common in the USA anymore, and DNS is a far more interacted with technology than old school caller id.
sometimes it’s not about solving the immediate problem, but about making sure it doesn’t happen again.
(literally “fixed” my alarm clock this week after it’s plug broke off in the outlet by giving it a $10 right angle plug that won’t be under any significant strain.)
but how does it compare to tanks in the “deaths from fire per vehicle sold” test?
but it can give the illusion of empathy, which is far more important.
as someone living in the north west clean off the roof of your car so it doesn’t get on your windshield.
Thanks, I especially like the lemon merange pie recipe.
the electricity can be unsafe, such as if you just teist wires together and don’t bother covering them.
any form of collective project requires organization, which conveniently is not required for an individual project that can be as impulsive and unsafe as the individual wants.
alternatively: 49% had no significant issues and 81% had no factual errors, it’s not perfect but it’s cheap quick and easy.
Clearly the obvious solution is to use non transparent PCIe bridges to connect them together
God I wish American apartments were legally required to let you do this.
god bless American auto regulations for allowing unique vehicles on the road (and the ability to sue for damages when the idiot driver hits you)
I only go a couple times a year, but it’s still nice to have the convenience of 12 hours of travel instead of more than a day.