This is the first thing that came to mind. I love his rendition of it. Thanks for posting this
This is the first thing that came to mind. I love his rendition of it. Thanks for posting this
The orcas gave us enough time bring down the bourgeoisie. Now they’re taking things into their own flippers.
I’d be okay with this if they made those games cheaper. But no, I have to pay $94 CAD for a shit live service game that I don’t even have the rights to and which the online service may be terminated at any time. Fuck EA and their monopoly on sports games.
We talking wilderness of Canada or population centers? Cuz there ain’t no way I’d go into Canadian bush without a shotgun.
Yeah, the US doesn’t just have a gun problem unfortunately, it has a culture problem. I don’t know of any other society that is so insanely paranoid.
In Canada, obtaining a verdict of self defense with a firearm is extremely difficult. You basically have to prove that you did everything in your power to diffuse the problem before turning to a firearm, you contacted the police, your life was in immediate danger, you somehow managed to unlock and load your firearm while still being in danger, and that if you hadn’t done what you did you’d be dead.
Doesn't mean they didn't market the game. That's the whole point of the post
That's not marketing at all. Marketing is anything that creates awareness for your product. Early access and what the person you responded to stated is exactly that.
Marketing is not necessarily aggressive. Product placement is the prime example of this.
That's cute coming from the game that was in early access for nearly 3 years.
If lab-grown meat becomes even half as good (and cheap) as slaughtered meat then I’d make the switch in a heartbeat. Not to mention, imagine being able to try out all sorts of exotic meats guilt-free, or being able to eat raw meat without risk of food-borne illness and parasites? Gimme some of that cruelty-free giant tortoise meat, lemme see what that gluttonous bitch Charles Darwin was on about.
What in the fuck is going on down there?
It's also full of very influential Jews. While the evangelicals are certainly one major driving force, let's not underestimate the intra-group pressure that Jews in the west apply to one another to conform.
The world would be a lot better off of it was, actually.
It's a Linux circlejerk community, what did you expect?
Two shiteaters squabble. More at 6
Wish granted, you are now the son of Elon Musk.
Black girl? Oh we might be talking about different characters then, this girl was white
Are you talking about the Fredo Corleone lookalike? Damn, you got interesting taste.
Yeah you’re right, YouTube just isn’t what it used to be. I miss when people made videos for free because they wanted to share something with the world. Now it’s a full time job