Your friend is probably a bitxh
Your friend is probably a bitxh
Do you love father son gay porn as much as I do? I love the ones where the son gets taught by the dad what sex is
Tf does any of this have to do with op
EQ settings for bass guitar:
Treble on 0
Bass on 11
It goes cripplephilia > tardaphilia > peopleansweringquestionsnoneaskedorcareaboutbuttheyhavetheneedtoexplainthemselvestoeveryoneelsephilia
Why are people so obsessed about what other people are obsessed about?
My tardaphilia is kicking in
What’s the Steven guy that makes the shirts
Was there also another one with a guy that ran around and had dynamite or something?
So you can listen to music while you piss
You can buy universal chargers for 40 bucks that have any size adapter you will ever need
This checks out
Anon is a removed