Hecking naraya. I didn’t know they were making other products. The Naraya Soya drink advertised to be free/gratis in that top-left tastes terrible though 🤣 it tastes mostly water 😭
Hecking naraya. I didn’t know they were making other products. The Naraya Soya drink advertised to be free/gratis in that top-left tastes terrible though 🤣 it tastes mostly water 😭
Metro 2033 and Half-Life 2 lol, I cannot play horror games. I quit Metro, couldn’t help myself.
But at least I completed all HL games apart from Alyx. With all achievements on base HL2 and EP2.
Ravenholm was manageable if I play without sound 🤣 But there was a long tunnel section in EP1 that was very uncomfortable and dark, felt longer than Ravenholm.
Fedora and unfortunately my keyboard cannot do autocomplete because nobody expects my keyboard https://f-droid.org/packages/juloo.keyboard2/
My friend who’s a phsycology student will hear about this meme
naughtius phallus
I guess if an 'epic games account' is only functions for Unreal Engine devs, it's much less interesting to attack. But it's also for fortnite and more other games.
I hate that I might be in the victim pool when I have that account merely for Unreal Engine. If only they would separate developer and gaming account.
We swapped. Wayland social media coming. https://wayland.social/
I bet you think of this during shower.
wow I completely forgot about halloween and the steam sale.