Mean leftist who believes in magic genders
Look, the crystal maze is absolutely essential to run Woodchips without a waterslide. You can complain all you want, but unless you want to run back to Microsoft for your woodchips deployment, this is the way. I'm not saying Gumbies is perfect, here, just that it's the only viable unix implementation. If you want come up with your own sandcubing solution for Flurble, be my guest.
I'm glad the game about putting down a Jewish rebellion for equal rights was bad.
Western atheism and antitheism often exist as reactions to Christianity on a factual or ethical basis, while remaining within a Christian cultural and moral context. Historically, Christians and atheists have worked together to attack other religions, such as in the case of the stolen generations in Australia or the cult panic in America. This pattern of behaviour is counterintuitive if you’re culturally Christian (as most atheists are), but from a broader cultural perspective it’s kind of obvious. Christianity and white atheism exist as offshoots of the same history in the same way that Catholicism and Protestantism do.
If you have an actual understanding of pre-roman polytheism, then you’re capable of seeing the difference between belief and worship. A difference Christians have tried to erase, and white atheists have not challenged. Giving up cultural Christianity is beyond most white atheists’ ability to even imagine. What I call cultural Christianity, they would just as soon call “common sense” or “reality”.
Also I’ve never met an antitheist who has spent longer than an hour thinking about whether they’re advocating cultural genocide of indigenous people.
Cops can't solve bad driving. Fear of punishment is not an effective deterrent. We know this because we've done the psychology and looked at the numbers. Unsafe driving is an infrastructure problem. In my country, people leave enough space between cars. It's not because we have more police than yours, it's because we have safer designed roads. Every traffic accident that causes a death is an infrastructure failure.
How else you gonna get free pony porn?
The gay spock problem is when you have two characters interacting who have the same pronouns, and it gets confusing. For example,
He brushed his hair aside and spoke gently into his ear, "you are my one true love, my light and laughter, my reason to live."
Who's the one speaking? Kirk or Spock?
Likewise, if Alice and Barbara or Adam and Bob are your two example people, you'll run into the gay spock problem.
Fun fact: the problem this is a solution to is known as the gay spock problem
Discord's #1 unique feature is pluralkit
That's because C was designed by a fool.
Int *p is unreadable, unreasonable, and bad programming.
Careful, you’ll get banned from blahaj zone for talk like that
I don't know which estrogen does that
You underestimate his incompetence
Belly fat is a combination of visceral and subcutaneous. Even if you mostly have subcutaneous fat, a lot of that can still be on the belly. The difference is that visceral fat is among the organs and contributes to organ failure risk. It's also below the tummy muscles. Subcutaneous belly fat is above the tummy muscles. This is why a man's belly is more likely to be hard, while a woman's belly is more likely to be soft.
Estrogen causes distribution of fat to move from visceral to subcutaneous. That's the reason "beer bellies" are usually seen on men, and why women usually have a "softer" or curvier physique. For overweight trans people, fat distribution can be a source of dysphoria. A lot of trans women are upset to have big bellies, and a lot of trans men are upset to be curvy. Hormones will change a person's fat distribution in a couple of years. The matter of where under the skin subcutaneous fat settles, though, isn't changeable by hormones.
The only way to target belly fat is with estrogen pills
They did have to worry about it, but they chose not to anyway
Lego Island 2 was great