Hawaii did this, and it looks amazing. Other states have banned billboards too.
Ah yea. Idk why I said leaked since it was published that way. Nice call out!
When FFXIV implemented better blocking tools this past summer, there was an option when blocking a single character to block the entire service account. This would be fine, but the implementation they went with is client side, and when you select that option, you get the service account ID. Which means that if you’re blocked by someone, you can’t made an alt character to stalk/harass them. But with third party tools, we can see this account ID. The stalker could just use a new account and find the person’s account ID that they were harassing and find any alt character they have in the game. They’re changing this soon as a third party tool popped up and is now able to do this, full source code leaked so there’s no shutting it down until the game devs change how it’s done.
This sounds super similar, but the implementation that you had to do for google is crazy.
Yep. There’s a reason me and my wife left Mississippi a few years ago for Washington.
It’s so easy, even on iOS. Just tap share and add to Home Screen. It’s probably just as easy on android.
My doctor got me off omeprazole because there’s a link between long term use (10 years+) and kidney failure. So I do prescription strength famotidine twice a day and just take tums as needed, then in the summer when I’m drinking a lot, I switch to omeprazole for a few months. It’s working pretty good so far, but I go through tums like crazy.
Yep. I had the vaccine and got flu A last week. It was hell. Slept for 16 hours a day for 3 days and couldn’t eat anything for 2 days.
I always skip over those vendors seeing shows. I’ll have to grab one next tome! Thanks!
Where do you get yours? All the street vendors in Capitol Hill I see don’t have jalapeños.
The Seattle dog doesn’t have jalapeños, cabbage, or siracha, and instead has grilled onions. It’s delicious.
If they’re not looked at, they don’t consume as much electricity. So there’s that difference.
Yea, touring nation wide is stressful. Living a cushy life taking bribes in congress is so easy for Mitch.
Just got an email that TeslaFi uses the Fleet API, so this definitely affects them.
Ah! I see! TeslaFi uses the owner API. Wheeew. Hopefully this will be fine for most apps.
There goes TeslaFi… fuck. I use that all the time to see my global map and keep track of my stats (like power usage on long drives), and auto enabling of certain features at certain times, like heat/ac after work.
Kingdom Hearts 1 had 4.5 hours of cutscenes, and that game came out in 2002. “Nearly 4 hours” is nothing, imo.
Use penumbra mods for that cake.
I was thinking of this remix as soon as I saw someone asking for a definition. It’s the best.
I enable them for the reason in the comic. I want people to know I’m ignoring them. Or maybe if it’s my wife and she sees I read it 30 mins ago but didn’t respond (if one’s needed), maybe I forgot, and she can poke me again to reply.