He Is a tumaaah … on the IT industry
He Is a tumaaah … on the IT industry
And his name was Bort!
Yes fuck you very much America. From the rest of us. You are the worst.
Looks like you picked the RIGHT week to start sniffing glue
The moose bit his sister once
Nooooo!! Don’t help him!!
Or an ET alien in a Jack Ruby suit!
He’s a smooth brain criminal
Well… he be more of a scummy, rapist must, but yeah
Apt get Kleenex-doubleply
Defrosted ham is never good
See you next Tuesday?
Unfortunately the campaign is now locked into the Oracle licensing agreement
He’s way over there at the end of the table
“Fuck you, pay the fine”
I hope Biden is all outta bubblegum
How did you forget Clamps!!?
Classic Chip Trump
A man of culture I see