You would crossbreed a perfect killing machine with a xenomorph ? Madness
You would crossbreed a perfect killing machine with a xenomorph ? Madness
The only thing that matters in government politics is public opinion.
Yea, no such thing in my country. Practically everyone returns the cart.
Cart retriever ? Why is that even a job.
It’s genetics. We produce some oil or something that mosquitos smell. And some people produce more then others.
Basically bad luck.
"Open"ai is definitely sharing everything you tipe with your government. Only difference is that chinese care less about your illusions. That said we are not even a blip in the sea of data so it doesn’t matter anyway.
Bdw your patriot act says that any data that goes over your border can be stored and used indefinitely. So me seing your comment means your nsa will store it and can use it, even though spying on your own people is against your constitution or something.
Don’t put any green or blue paint on your brush.
To be fair, if I took my cats values and morals there would be a bloodbath.
It’s not similar to any meme I know.
Turning heat into mechanical or chemical or electric energy directly is really hard, you know.
It’s funny that you can get more energy from gas by using it to heat water and using a steam turbine to drive whatever. It’s just not always practical.
Actually maybe I was a bit too harsh. Well whatever.
No. Because you don’t see some people as human beings.
I think you should be banned from lemmy
I had to move a horse, to fill its water bucket while it was eating. I tap and talk, nothing. I push, can’t. I had to punch it literally as hard as I could so it would acknowledge me. They have really thick skin.
Disclaimer: Don’t punch a horse if you don’t know it and what you are doing. They get scared easily and you won’t be the first to get your jaw wired back together.
It’s standard practice for ram, at least it was. I remember companies being busted with warehouses of ram sticks.
There are two types of people. Those who talk about politics. And those who don’t want to talk to people who see everything in black and white.
I’v seen him DJ