• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I quite like Dana K. White’s system for this. When putting something away she asks “if I were looking for this item where would I look for it first?” And wherever that place is is where the item goes. Now I keep all my Sharpie markers in the silverware drawer and I can always find one.

    Dana White doesn’t write specifically for the adhd crowd, but I swear she’s the first organizer that has ever made sense to me. There’s more to her system than this, obviously, but not much, and it almost never involves buying more bins.

  • As someone who once put some tortillas on the griddle, turned to the fridge to get cheese, and…walked right out of the room and back to my desk, I 100% agree. I sometimes feel dumb that I am literally setting 1 or 2 minute timers, but it’s better than burning stuff. I don’t always need them, but they are really helpful during times of stress when I’m especially preoccupied with other things.

  • So first off, I can 100% commiserate. I could have written basically the same thing you did about your preferred sleep schedule and sometimes just giving up and staying awake. Clearly you already know that is not sustainable (and I’ll say as someone a decade-ish older that I feel the impact of sleep-deprivation even more now than I did when I was 27). I have had to cancel appointments when I’ve had nights like those and I know I’m not good to drive. I also know that my meds are not very effective when I’m sleep-deprived.

    The fact that things changed suddenly after 3 months is probably something to bring up with your doctor. I don’t know what it would be, but they may have some idea. They may also be able to prescribe something for sleep, but I can’t speak much to that.

    Having a plan for changes is good, but it also looks to me like you are just doing too much, and you can’t schedule your way out of that. You may have to really look at what you’re doing and decide where your priorities are (and one of those priorities should be some downtime). I do think it’s good to put some boundaries in place for yourself about screentime, etc, but I’d warn against being too rigid, as that is something that has just added to my anxiety in the past, which then means that I lie awake even later, etc. I do better when I set up little rewards for myself instead (sadly I am very motivated by a weekend dessert, haha).

    Obviously I don’t know your specific work situation and your vocab doesn’t sound US, so you can take or leave this, but from the outside I’m seeing a few things:

    • if you taking off a day or two will truly be a catastrophe for the other employees then the company is poorly-managed. Does no one ever take any time off?
    • Are you salaried (so all this overtime is unpaid?) Are you doing it because you feel obligated/guilty? Have you slipped into prioritizing your coworkers over your actual family/girlfriend? I know you said your work is very important to you, but is this the only place you could do that type of work?
    • If you are coming in an hour late every day anyway, would it be possible to make that your official start time? That could take off some of the pressure of being “late”.

  • I know communities like these can get a little silly and they’re easy to make fun of, but they really do serve an important purpose, IMO. The number of people who have to be told that it’s not normal for your partner to scream at you, or that no, your partner actually isn’t a great person if they do fill in the blank is really sad to me. And for every person asking, there are certainly more lurking that can also benefit from reading that. They might have to wade through a bunch of nonsense and AI-generated stories to find it, but I’m glad there’s a place for it.