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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • Yeah, but part of the trolley problem is that it’s not just about choosing the option with the least harm, but also how being active in the decision impacts the morality of the situation. Being of the opinion that letting 3 people die on one track without your intervention is better than actively choosing the death of 2 is a completely valid response to the trolley problem. You don’t have to agree that it’s the right decision, but it’s still valid.

    Applying that to the election would mean deciding that letting the bigger harm that would be a Trump presidency happen is preferable to being an active participant in helping steer the metaphorical tram onto the Harris track and harming the people there.

    There are no black and white answers here. That’s the whole point of the trolley problem. Everyone is going to have their own point of view and it’s going to vary depending on how they perceive the harm on each track. Like I said, if I had a vote in the US election, I’d probably vote to send the tram onto the Harris track, but my willingness to do so wouldn’t be infinite, just because the Trump track is worse. At some point the harm becomes so big, that I would refuse to be an active participant, even if inaction meant an even worse outcome. Some people (understandably) feel like that with the current choices. That doesn’t make them Trump supporters or bad people.

  • Are people really claiming Trump isn’t worse? I think it’s more that people think that Harris may be better than Trump (pretty low bar there), but still too bad to vote for. Voting for the lesser evil only goes so far. At some point the lesser evil is still too far from one’s own ideals that voting for them isn’t an option. Different people will obviously draw that line in different places and if I lived in the USA, I’d probably begrudgingly vote for Harris in the coming election.

    Democrats basically slandering anyone who refuses to vote for their candidate as Trump supporters is fucking stupid and will hardly convince anyone to change their minds. Especially when it seems democrats have had nothing to offer the left other than “the other side is worse” for as far back as I can remember. If they want the left’s votes, they need to earn them.

  • The 840 uses different firmware to the 520 and you can’t disable the VP at all. You can however access the file system as you described, so my workaround was to edit the XML files for the map themes and make the arrow for the virtual partner 100% transparent. The VP is still running of course, but that does fix most of my gripes with it.

    I’ll have to check if I can do something similar for the sounds, but I’m not sure it will be possible since it’s just a beeper and I don’t imagine there are ordinary sound files that can be edited.

  • I have a Garmin Edge 840 bike computer and I do like it (more than the Wahoo ELMNT Bolt v2 I had before), but man some of the design decisions are just baffling to me.

    Like why can’t I have tones for my notifications (for refuelling), without also having them for navigation? And why do notifications close themselves after 5 seconds? I always miss them because I either have the tones silenced and happen to be looking where I’m going instead of my head unit when they pop up, or I have the tones on I miss them because the navigation tones are so obnoxious I just learn to ignore all the sounds.

    And why can’t I disable the virtual partner, and why the hell is the arrow on the map for the virtual partner bigger than the one that represents the actual rider?


  • Drugs are honestly pretty meh. I’m not saying they can’t be fun and or that they are evil or anything, but I feel like you are seriously overhyping them.

    I used to a lot of drugs and lots of different kinds too. Sure I had fun and I don’t massively regret it. But since I quit all drugs (including alcohol) several years ago I really have to say there are plenty of other things in life that are just as fun as drugs, if not much more so. There’s only so much you can experience with drugs and it gets old fast.