Spice also works. I find eating/drinking something with an intense flavor profile ups the satiety so you eat less without feeling like you ate less.
Spice also works. I find eating/drinking something with an intense flavor profile ups the satiety so you eat less without feeling like you ate less.
My bad, I only scanned it. Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah WTF, cross dressing is objectively bad? People don't even try to hide their bigotry anymore. If anyone should get back in the closet it is the bigots.
Any time someone refers to transgender people as “transgenders” or uses “trans” as a noun you immediately know they are bigots.
Good! Republicans need to get over their obsession with trans children’s genitals.
Yes, that is an accepted phrase today.
I’m in California and running my AC raises my bill by $200+ a month for a 2 bedroom house.
They changed it
If it is a true story then the device was probably a dev kit. I don’t see them radically changing the hybrid formfactor unless it stops selling well. Or maybe unless there is some radical new direction like going to VR.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10375490/#:~:text=The investigation concluded that the,' dry-brown rice cereal.