I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024

  • Now normally, I am on the side of yelling shit at police.

    “You were brave on Twitter,” Tarrio said to one of the officers as he continued to follow them. “You guys were brave at my sentencing when you sat there and laughed when I got 22 fucking years. Now you don’t want to look in my eyes, you fucking cowards.”

    Fanone, a former Capitol police officer, then turns and tells him: “You’re a traitor to this country.”

    “They are operating under the assumption that, if they commit violent criminal acts on Donald Trump’s behalf, that he will pardon them for future violence,” Fanone said. “These are insurrectionists, let’s be very clear.”

    But I am unabashedly on the cops side here. Enrique, and the rest of the proud boys, are exceedingly huge pieces of shit.

  • the investigation encompassed the department’s evidence room and the death of a Hanceville dispatcher, 49-year-old Christopher Michael Willingham, who was found dead from a toxic drug combination at work, officials said.

    Crocker said that Willingham was given access, “like a lot of other people,” to the evidence room, including on his last day at work. The dispatcher died on Aug. 23, 2024, with the cause of death determined to be the “combined toxic effects of fentanyl, gabapentin, diazepam, amphetamine, carisoprodol and methocarbamol,” and the manner of death an accident, according to the state medical examiner’s autopsy report.

    Eric Michael Kelso, who was a reserve officer, and his wife, Donna Reid Kelso, were charged with unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and conspiracy to unlawfully distribute a controlled substance, Crocker said. The distribution charges are not based on the distribution of anything within the evidence room, and they are “accused of distributing certain drugs to other individuals, including some of these other defendants,” he said.

    Cops stealing drugs until one OD’d on the job while other officers were selling drugs to each other. It’s not the most comprehensive reason to abolish the department, we all know there is systemic problems with the entire institution. But if a pig self harm is what gets the job done, I’ll take it.

  • I guess it depends on what sort of data is in this 100 TB data set. And if I have any other tools at my disposal to transcribe the data into new mediums or any time adjacent knowledge for things that would happen in the next year.

    If there was an accurate almanac, lunar calendar of events or current world/local history. Establishing myself as some sort of prophet, messiah or divine messenger should be possible. Once I establish that I can see the future, then I need to make a far flung prediction for my home time that “will be revealed when the time is right”.

    Four important rules would needed to make it work.

    • Primarily a foundational tennat not to alter my prophecy. I am the one and only prophet that will ever exist. Of course schisms and reformations will likely occur but so long as the “orthodox” faithful preserve my original writings it should stand the test of time.

    • Secondly, depending on how my death occurs in “exactly one year”, I can work that in to the cannon as being recalled to the higher plane. Especially if this time death is flashy! Hopefully something like my body being ripped apart by the time stream. Nice big event that will be remembered.

    • Thirdly, I protect my religious with good ole fashion reliable xenophobia! Whatever tools I can use to identify competing time travelers will be the sign of heretics and evil demons.

    • Finally, that my tomb is to contain both my original manuscripts that are never to be touched or altered. And importantly, exact prophecies that are supposed to be opened prior to various major world events. If I can sprinkle a good one every 20 years or so then the faith should remain strong.

  • What she cites the bible for

    Though she clarified that donations wouldn’t actually go to help those infected, White used medical imagery to add urgency to her fundraising plea during a pandemic. “Every single day we are a hospital to the sick, not necessarily the physically sick,” she said. “But we are a hospital for those who are soul sick, those who are spiritually sick.” White went on to suggest that contributors offer a $91 donation, citing Psalm 91, or “maybe $9 or whatever God tells you to do.”

    What I cite the bible for

    Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’

  • It’s not that simple, you need to understand the effects that Hormone Replace Therapy has on the body. Men and trans women physically do not have the same type of body and the studies even shows trans women perform worse than cis women in most areas.

    • Transgender women performed worse than cisgender women in tests measuring lower-body strength.

    • Transgender women performed worse than cisgender women in tests measuring lung function.

    • Transgender women had a higher percentage of fat mass, lower fat-free mass, and weaker handgrip strength compared to cisgender men.

    • Transgender women’s bone density was found to be equivalent to that of cisgender women, which is linked to muscle strength.

    • There were no meaningful differences found between the two groups’ hemoglobin profiles. Hemoglobin (Hb) plays a crucial role in athletic performance by facilitating improved oxygen delivery to muscles. Elite endurance athletes may exhibit up to a 40% higher level of Hb compared to untrained individuals. Moreover, heightened levels of Hb typically correlate with enhanced aerobic performance.

    I want you to stop and really think critically about what you are trying to suggest. Do you really think it’s a good idea for trans men who are regularly taking testosterone should be forced to compete against women who aren’t? Do you really think trans women who have lower testosterone levels than cis women (because they are medically surpressing) have some sort of advantage?

    What you’re saying is at odds with observable facts, scientific studies and frankly common sense.