I’m following this recipe. Unfortunately, it’s German, but translate should save you.
It’s quite simple, as I also never did kimchi before. Just be care full with the amount of chillies. It says 40 g but for what I can get in a German supermarket that’s a bit too spicy. I found amounts between 15-20 g ideal.
Don’t know if it’s traditional, but for sure it’s tasty.
Interesting. Sounds like a fun family even!
I also don’t know if my kimchi has any chance of competing with real Korean kimchi. (Probably not, but it’s still fun to do)
I open it every now and then to release the pressure and put it into the fridge after a week or so. That said, the jars are maybe not ideal, but it works good enough for me.
Naive question: How is the political situation between all these African countries? Are they “good enough friends” to make this work on from a political point of view?
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