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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • In all of history peace has only ever been achieved by being strong enough to deter would be conquerors. Without deterrence Russia would crush Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine whilst threatening all of Europe. The US would take Canada, Greenland. NK would take South Korea. China would take Taiwan.

    The world has never been free of evil powerful men who would take from their neighbors. What you think looks like peace has only ever been most of the situations being stable based in large part on people’s willingness to murder people who would come to murder and take from them. If you aren’t actually willing to fight you won’t find yourself safe very long.

    Military aid between nations creates stability by drastically increasing the cost of attacking one party lest an empire expand by taking one bite at a time and becoming strong enough to threaten larger neighbors in the process.

  • Christianity IS evil. Whilst the possibly mythic progenitor of the religion is supposed to be good its been broadly responsible for many evil acts and given a chance couldn’t even speak out against actual Hitler until after he was defeated and dead.

    It’s not “full nazi” whatever that means in this context to have an accurate understanding that certain groups are not in any way on the right side of things. Some individuals might be but those groups as a whole are on the side of power. They’ve always been on the side of power. They have never been on the whole or on average good people.

  • Actually you can get free health insurance for a family of two if living on 500 a week at least in some places. Full time at 12.50 or 25 hours at 20 an hour or anything in between. If that seems like a lot consider 2 people can easily eat $500 in food at present prices, rent can easily cost $1200 for a shitty apartment in a shitty neighborhood. yada yada. This is basically about nothing to live on.

    Notably many families have one worker because one has health problems or is needed to do childcare because the amount they would earn is actually less than childcare alone let alone benefits + childcare expenses. Many folks who are disabled in fact receive basically no help of any kind if the other partner works or if they cannot spend years fighting it out in court.

    Lots of people already living marginal lives will be effected.

    Another example consider older relatives too young to receive medicare but not employable because of some combination of age and health. They might live with relatives but rely on government health insurance.

    Another yet consider people who who living with relations providing childcare and relying on the government for health care. They effectively ARE working for board but making them try to compete with 20 year olds to work at McD will likely result in damage to the family and the person who will lose health care if they can’t work or the family who will lose childcare if they can.

  • Russia literally said they want to take an entire list of places where 100M people live and make them Russia. The US said it intended to take CA and Greenland.

    Anyone willing to stand up to defend these places would end up in a war. If everyone abandons their neighbors then there is absolutely no reason for Russia, the US, and China to divide up the world between them. These are people with their own plans, nations, cultures who don’t want to choose whose boot to live under. The only way to do this is to be able to fight.

  • Police have literally millions of interactions with people acting erratically per year in the US. All of Europe has millions of interactions per year.

    Our police are defective not because they literally massacre every person acting erratically but because between near a million sworn officers dealing with 100s of millions of people roughly a thousand kill someone this year. This is defective because others deal with similar situations whilst killing almost none.

    Setting up a fantasy world where a single interaction is sure to lead to fatality is bad because its trivially disproved and the dismissal risks dismissing the ACTUAL problem of those thousand poor fuckers who died many for no good reason.