Why thank you, I’ll take it off your hands.
I am shocked I say. Shocked.
This sort of exaggeration is typically used for comedic effect. Sorry for trying to throw a smile on a random person’s face. You must be very fun to hang around at parties.
I am running a portable LibreWolf on my work issued, locked-down-with-a-chastity-belt-and-thrown-the-keys-into-the-fires-of-Mount-Doom-in-Mordor laptop with uBlock extension installed.
Try that and see if it works.
I refuse to allow Zionists to hijack the Jewish faith for their distorted agenda. Stop straw manning the argument.
Israelisrahellonearth sends 3500 calories to Gaza per Gazan per day
Rockets and bullets don’t count.
“Israel’s war against genocide of Hamas the indigenous Palestinian population”
There you go, corrected it for you.
Imagine supporting terrorism against Palestinians. Evil
Buddyboo, stop resetting the clock to Oct. 7th, the world didn’t start then. Israhellonearth has been terrorizing, murdering, and abusing Palestinians long before then.
Also stop watching Ben Shapiro.
Believe whatever you want in the privacy of your own mind, but the land *was stolen. Lay off Fox and Friends for a bit.
Why do I get the urge to punch him every time I see his face? So weird.
I have much respect that you are willing to engage in a civilized argument.
Now that you have pointed out what I have posted, I understand that I wasn’t being explicit enough in my definition and argument so I’ll do that here:
When I said Holocaust level, I didn’t mean it in the sense of the total amount of victims, but rather the act itself (systematic cleansing and expulsion of an ethnic race).
I hope you and I are now on the same page.
I feel like you and I are NOT on the same page, as a matter of fact, I feel like we are arguing to different points.
You seem like you are gatekeeping the definition of the Holocaust based on number of murdered casualties, I argue that the act of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people is comparable to the Holocaust.
Please don’t create another straw man to argue over, the number of casualties was never the point, rather the act itself.
While I appreciate your thoughtful response, I disagree with the fact that we need to wait for 17million Palestinians murdered before we can liken the current genocide to the Holocaust.
The way I see it, the Holocaust was/is attributed to the systematic cleansing and expulsion of an ethnic group at a mass scale and not measured by the number of murdered people (not death, murder because that’s what it is).
You can call it whatever you want, but at the end of the day what is happening in Palestine is an ethnic cleansing at a mass scale similar to the Holocaust.
You’re cute. Stop consuming Fox news and then we’ll talk.
Amen to that 🙏🏼