Don’t over think it, the people who want to be here will be.
This may be the first headline this year that actually makes sense… Or wait no it doesn’t make cents
Hey man, it’s no surprise the gui people are good at making the gui settings in the gui :P
Contempt, that’s literally what it is
Finally something I can support
Keep a can next to the bed 🤢
Don’t forget, the CEO is always the fall guy for the owners
C c c apitalizm
Physics be damned I’m going to nosefrida myself
Master of all 22 elements
Unfortunately this is probably true, I’m sure they will find a way to take away their veteran’s benefits as well. :(
Oh no please don’t send highly trained members of our military home where they can protect and train their fellow Americans!
Every moment is a point of no return, unfortunately.
Obligatory mention of file recovery as an option if you get in this situation.I recommend testdisk but there are other more gui friendly options.
NTFS takes a relatively long time to destroy the data so chances of recovery are good on Windows.
Hmm which depreciates faster?
No. You actually know that the world isn’t ending because you’re still going to work 😅
There’s no way to know