I try to contribute to things getting better, with sourced information, OC and polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with a point ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
Let’s discuss to make things better sustainably.
Always happy to question our beliefs.
Has any of that happened on the average Arch in the past years? The only thing I have seen is an email once or twice a year asking to run a manual operation to fix a package migration.
I think Western cultures often value differentiating yourself from the mass, it has its stupid downsides too of course.
There’s a culture of not sticking out of the pack, and the feeling that everyone is judging you if you do. It’s sadly more about that than deep understanding of the value of civism, according to my native friends.
The living standard doesn’t have to be proportional to natural resources consumption. For example, many people would rather live in a walkable 20 min city than needing a car and getting stuck for hours in traffic.
It’s not overpopulation that is the problem, it’s overconsumption of natural resources. Population will not grow indefinitely, see the notion of demographic transition. It would possible to live sustainably with the estimated population peak if we respect consumptions quotas such as the 2 tones of CO2 per year per capita. Most developed country people are far above this though.
I had a Chinese colleague who was in a “relationship” with her idol and thought it was way more convenient than a real partner. I am fully ready to see people be openly happy with AI partners and never try to have real partners.
Especially because it’s hard to have a social life when you’re asked to work 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week, or worse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/996_working_hour_system
You have to work on building a party and preparing a candidate a couple of years in advance, you can’t do that 3 months before the vote, at this point you can only vote for the lesser evil. Are you working on that now?
I hope you can develop more options in the future, but for this election, there were only two.
Again, it’s not a matter of support, it’s a matter of chosing the lesser evil to reduce the potential negative impact. Similarly, if the only way to prevent far right from getting elected is to vote for the right, you would rather not participate in preventing the far right from getting elected?
If your choice increases the magnitude of the genocide, how could it reduce your complicity?
Sometimes you have to choose the lesser evil, and you did good in the difference.
Thank you for taking the time to give us context.
Limestone pavement is made up of clints (the blocks) and grykes (the fissures or cracks in between). If you peer into the grykes, you’ll discover a rich, hidden world of plants, such as baneberry, green spleenwort, lesser meadow-rue, wood sorrel and herb Robert. The site is rich in ferns, including rigid buckler and hart’s-tongue. https://www.ywt.org.uk/nature-reserves/southerscales-nature-reserve
The geology of the Yorkshire Dales is predominantly of limestone, which gives rise to many spectacular and scenic surface (as well as underground) natural features. One such type of surface feature are the “limestone pavements” - plateaus of bare and weathered rock often being found at the top of the limestone cliffs (known locally as “scars”) running along the hillsides. These were originally formed by the scouring action of glaciers during the last ice age, excellent examples being seen at e.g. the top of Malham Cove, White Scars and Southerscales (near Ingleton) and on the plateau of Moughton (near Austwick).
Due to the mildly corrosive effects of slightly acidic rain water on the limestone (a process which also leads to the formation of caves and potholes in the dales) deep crevases slowly develop in the rock so that the limestone pavements are actually a “mosaic” of interlocking “clints” and “grykes” https://www.yorkshire-dales.com/limestone-pavements.html
I’ve read it is still well valued because people will keep asking questions there when LLM can’t answer, so they remain a precious source of post LLM curated Q&A.
It could simply mean he checked his public social media and knew where he would go. Social “engineering” can be as simple as a web search.
It certainly would, but I would be worried about the people at the bottoms whose salary depend on this. Rich people can afford not getting revenue for a month, but people with precarious work contracts often can’t.
What about mass boycott targeted at the companies undeniably supporting this government?
It could impact bottom people less.