I was tricked into liking K-Pop. AMA.
I was tricked into liking K-Pop. AMA.
My autistic ass just chooses the most precise words no matter the context, complexity be dammed. Thanks brain.
Key word: consumer. You won’t find a single router on store shelves that the layman is not getting all of their data collected through.
This might legit be one of the first images I ever saw on Reddit.
I think they’re saying laws against discrimination for not having an address.
Nostalgia good
New bad
The benefit of being IT at work is that I’m also in charge of the filter. I’m even allowed to setup a VPN tunnel to access my home network, but then again, you can do that sort of thing with an 8-employee company.
Surely an 8th Seth McFarlane comedy will resolve this issue
I’ve used Linux for about 15 years and I hate the shit out of it. I’ll keep using it though if it means less Windows.
After Windows 10 drops support, the only proprietary system left will be my Mac which I use for music. I’ll be damned if I’m going to try and get Ableton Live running in Wine with low latency. I really wish it wasn’t like that’s though.
I did machining inspection for a while and would be dealing constantly with hundreds of data points. Using the table functions on my TI-84 was a godsend. Everyone was writing answers down and transcribing when I joined.
Where am I supposed to get a phone that I can actually use with stuff?
No ethical consumption under capitalism and all that.
They would just block anything that’s encrypted.
Krusty Krab Training Video
Phones are more complex than watches. Phones are made by Jesus confirmed.
Despite all these drugs, I am still just a bug in a rug.
In the article it also points out that this means you don’t have to waste paper, which is a plus, assuming they last.
There’s nothing cringe about my BTS shrine and underwear.