Looks like my childhood. Loved this cake!
Looks like my childhood. Loved this cake!
All any of us can do, really. Awareness and perspective are often hard to come by, so congrats on that!
I feel for you. We have always had a lot of pets (4 cats, 2 dogs atm) and dealing with their end of life stage is heartbreaking every time. Just grieve your loss however you need to.
We always take comfort in knowing how much our departed friends brought to our lives, and, particularly for our rescues, how much love and care we were able to give them. Our relationships with them are a gift.
Take good care and trust that you will know if and when the time is right for another one in your life.
Like others here, I dumped Reddit and moved here (and to Mastodon) full time. I also moved to Linux full time on my home laptop and haven’t missed Windows one little bit. I’m looking forward to experimenting more with a couple of other distros of interest (currently Pop_OS) and am having actual fun using my computer again. Heavy emphasis on adopting as many FOSS alternatives as possible in ‘24, and starting to separate myself from the big G.
Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but if you know of a program that already does the thing you want, you can search for a variety of alternatives on alternativeto.net. It lists paid and FOSS alternatives.
Fucking criminals.
Fwiw, as someone also recently new to Linux, I thought this captured part of the experience brilliantly, and without malice.
Of course op probably went on to google (and find) the answer, so I agree with you that getting the answer with this post was probably not the point. But it’s a quality shitpost, and I endorse it! 😀
Very much yes, on the “does it help” question, but you get results in direct proportion to what you are willing to put in. The great thing is that a therapist is someone you can be completely honest with, but it takes time and effort (and courage) to show up like that.
I wanted to point out that some health plans seem to be offering CBT (computer-based therapy) options since Covid, and these are often complementary to other psychology coverage. (I live in Canada, so ymmv.). They may be a good way to “try out” therapy to see if you can gain any insight, but remember they are not much like talking to a live therapist.
My experience is that you will know when you need to go. It may be a while after that when you actually do go, but it takes what it takes. Pain is a pretty persistent motivator.
Even if you are not in crisis, your awareness of your situation and your need for help in dealing with it are really positive and a great starting point. Follow your instinct and try to find someone you feel safe with. I would say that one or two sessions with someone are usually enough to tell if you can work effectively with that person, and it’s fine to decide they are not working and you need to keep looking. There are good and less good therapists, just like in every other career and walk of life.
Good luck to you! I hope you find what you are looking for.
You beautiful bastard! I had one of these and thought it was one of the coolest bits of tech I ever owned. Your post generated so much nostalgia over having to hold my watch in just the right aspect to complete the data transfer. I remember people watching me sync and being shocked (although that was perhaps at how much of a nerd I was to have one). I like to think they were reacting to the tech.
Very nice work! Now I just need to find my old watch…
These fucking headlines.
Hey LA Times, how about
“Air Force conducts routine unarmed test launch of ballistic missile”
or something similar that doesn’t make me panic and think “wtf have these circus clowns done now?” Plenty of “shit-your-pants” scary headlines happening just now, no need to make up new ones just for the clicks.