• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • You see this (or used to, anyway) from time to time with gas strikes.

    If it’s just a month of “don’t buy,” it wouldn’t do much in the long run. All that does is time-shift demand to when the strike is over. If the company can anticipate well enough, they’d raise prices when the demand comes back and come out ahead in the long run.

    You have to use/consume less, and for an extended time period, not just change when that purchase happens.

    But yes, with that caveat, use less, and choose the lesser evil when you do need to buy something. The individual effect is small, but small things add up.

  • The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine. I don’t want to do that. Right now, without any god, I don’t want to jump across this table and strangle you. I have no desire to strangle you. I have no desire to flip you over and rape you. – Penn Jillette