I'm not the top level commenter. I can say that all of those things suck ass and I would be personally impacted by several of them (roe, trans care)… if I lived in a red state. Yes, I live in a certain amount of fear that the next Republican president might make significant strides towards national policies that could reach me even in my very blue state. Yes, I have a huge amount of sympathy for everyone who does live in a red or swing state. But top level commenter has a point that, right now, I'm not directly, personally impacted by these things. And idk where OP is from but it's a good wager that their country also has some shit they need to pull together, and I don't find their concern trolling productive or supportive. Lemmy already leans politically left; how is our domestic policy their business and what do they hope to accomplish here?
This is a state crime, not federal, so he can’t pardon himself as president. I think he could if he was governor of New York, which seems like a long shot.
And New York’s AG has seemed pretty keen on seizing his property if he wouldn’t pay before. Idk if they can do that for these types of fines but I’m sure they will if they can.