Had to look it up, and of course there's a Wikipedia page. I guess the population centroid has been just west of the Mississippi River in Missouri circa 1980. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_center_of_the_United_States_population
I was in a similar situation. Not sleep-phones, but just a particular type of headphones that I like. Have you thought about getting a Bluetooth receiver for them? It's super annoying, but it's the only way I've been able to keep my headphones. Just thought I'd suggest it if you hadn't thought of this solution/kludge yet. https://www.fiio.com/btr3k
The other option is to get a USB-C adapter. https://us.creative.com/p/sound-blaster/sound-blaster-play-4
These Skynet plots to wiping out the human race are getting really convoluted as they keep making Terminator sequels/prequels. I guess they’re going for the long game by going after the mushroom foragers first.
Newsblur is my favorite. It’s paid, but I find the subscription fee reasonable.
Has some of the old social features of gReader, but it’s not that active.
Once I started using the tool lending libraries in the San Francisco East Bay, it was a game changer for simple maintenance.
Some bike shops also have public work benches with tools. https://www.boxdogbikes.com/about-1