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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Why are people not freaking out?

    The 88% that didn’t vote for him are. US Governance is slow to react to anything and has yet to figure out this is a real problem, those that aren’t bought and paid for by Orange Burger Troll.

    The US has a lot of contributing factors that make it more difficult for individual citizens to react, so far.

    • A lot of people can’t just up and take time off work or they’ll lose their jobs
      • In America, losing your job means losing your health insurance. That means a $15 medication can suddenly be $600
      • Many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, or worse, in arrears, and use payday loan companies to pay their bills and buy food
      • Saw some metric a while back that credit card debt and services like Klarna were both on the uptick as people used them… to buy food.
    • America is a vast country, 2,800 miles from east to west
      • This makes it hard for the above people to just up and travel to the nation’s capital to protest en masse
      • People have been trying to protest at their local governments in-state, but the media is bought and paid for, so news of these protests is very limited in scope

    Among many other reasons.

  • Oh sure, let us actually have choice in action. I’m speaking about how the Old Laws worked in the Long Long Ago. Now that there is no law, the hilarious part is that these old codgers that made this world domination plan forgot that law doesn’t matter when it comes down to it. Program a Tesla to explode while driving, why not? Random snipers on the way to work? Why not? McDonalds burger full of cyanide, why not? I’m not suggesting any evil action here, I just find it supremely funny that these idiots made a football play on America and the one thing they missed, which is the one thing the Republinazis always miss, is that rules are for all. When rules for thee vs me tease out, shit goes south real fast. They think the very laws they are dismantling will somehow let them be safe at the same time.

    The supreme hypocrisy of the under-educated is what it boils down to. America’s Golden Shower Age.

  • The ultimate game. Get into a position of power, work for free, your work is to guarantee you come out richer. Hire employees for “your” agency that is just a rebranded agency that already exists so no paperwork need be filed. Then, sound like a person of authority while “advising” said agency. Command those gullible 18-21-year-old kids to do unspeakable acts they’re too young and immature to comprehend.

    Kids end up being charged with the actionable crime, free “advisor” dude parachutes out the window to collect his solidified tax breaks.

  • Not agreeing that what they are doing is right, but some of the ways appliance manufacturers earn their badge is lame. Like dishwashers dropping their electric drying/heating element, to just sponge off the hot water heater’s energy usage, and claim they are thusly more green. Or how washing machines have some kind of energy reduction operation now but they can’t drain completely which requires an energy-using rotation cycle when not doing laundry to encourage evaporation.