Let me guess, the streaming services on it will be like DailyWire+, PragerU. What else
I think this is a good move honestly, they want it to be an algo similar to meta which you know is terrible, meta is like mostly dudes saying gen Z men are AWAKE and hate LGBT people and tate clips. They seem to have much less success in the algorithm on tiktok
So update, it really didn't. I feel kinda insecure over that.
it's not that anyone cares about me that much, but rather that no one should be forced to experience that. 911 operators have training in dealing with death.
Likely a heart monitor plugged into a python script would work. Than have some basic tts read "Hello, this an automated voice message, Skylar is now deceased, heart rate was recorded flat at {{time}} the location is {{location}}" ideally I'm gonna pick a parking garage which isn't active the day I'm planning on ending it.
Generally my idea would be to take the pills than shoot myself afterwards, mainly the goal would be making me a hard case for paramedics, unable to figure out what to treat first.
When I was being abused by my dad, adults told me hey you'll be 18 one day. I'm an adult now, and fuck things actually got worse
My plan is gonna take a while but I ever the intent is still there
They deal with death everyday, it comes with the job. And also for the cops are fuck heads that harass black people and ruin people lives, they deserve to see a dead fucking body
I have nothing, no one will make me feel warm and safe and help me. That's the truth. I'm alone.
Blaming HRT on someone being suicidal isn't science, that's not even fucking proven. Jesus Christ. Just cause it didn't help me doesn't mean it didn't help countless others fuck
I planning on leaving and commiting alone, an automatic 911 call will be placed which will give them the location of my body.
I'm on HRT (hasn't worked) cause I'm genetically cursed. And my crowd can say some right things, I'm a leftist. But let's not bring politics into this cause it really doesn't matter in grand scheme of things, and no I can't figure out a plan, I don't even got another place to go. And what your saying doesn't apply, I've never really been consistently happy, my life is mostly bad.
Everyday I keep going worse shit happens, today I was yelled at by a cop for walking around. He nearly assaulted me. Shit doesn't get any better once so ever.
I feel like the odds of things getting better are the same as if I bought a lottery ticket and won. Statistically speaking things will continue to get worse.
So what your saying is don't bet on a single solution, so like take pills too?
At the end of the day I'm really small, there are billions of other people, no one will notice me gone in the grand scheme of things.
Yesterday sucked, last week sucked, last month sucked, last year sucked, the last decade sucked. Nothing in my life has ever worked out.
Eventually I won't be able too either.
I have not read the news in a really long time just cause paywalls are annoying as frick.