… I’m a little sad this isn’t an actual community.
Edit: Nevermind, found it~ (Scroll down)
No, but not providing them with personal information like one’s email, address, name, phone number or social media accounts, and not screaming “I live within # km of xxx!” by accessing their website with your actual IP address? That kinda helps. Plus, they’re definitely blocking any reports made from out of state at this point.
“Didn’t used to”.
Deleted my Facebook account twelve years ago. I recently got an Instagram account under a fake name and with a spare email purely to exchange memes and funny videos with my girlfriend, but beyond that I avoid anything made by that company. Especially their hardware. Anything Meta Quest exclusive doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, probably never. Which does make it weird that they're taking the trouble to use the TOR network at all… But hey. I'll always appreciate any thorn in the way of fascists.
My dude, you just seemed awfully angry that I implied most cops are too fucking dumb to know their way around a computer… In a thread about police brutality so widespread we're taking count of how many times cops kill people in specific ways. I really didn't mean to insult you. I did mean the first part of my last comment, though. Have a good day. And chill a little.
Have a good day, officer.
I mean, if they're using web-based proxies which could help a three letter agency get to them… Yeah? Assuming they're discussing and sharing crap that's illegal enough to warrant using the TOR network. Why did that first guy get so damn offended? We basically get a weekly video of cops doing stupid shit with their guns, breaking the law left and right and… I'm supposed to think that an organisation which goes out of its way to hire and undertrain dumb bullies is filled with people who would understand and follow the best network security practices?
There's obviously going to be a damn difference in technical knowledge between your average "beat up the brown guy" crooked cops and your average cyber crime cops. I'm sure they all saw some "online training" powerpoint presentation telling them to not stick random flash drives in their computers and to not use public wifi hotspots, but beyond that?..
So yes, I'm still surprised to learn that there's apparently some actual .onion forum for regular crooked cops out there. I would've figured that at most they'd use some signal group chat along with a VPN. Not that I ever gave it a thought, honestly. It's literally worse than would've ever thought. Crooked cops are that self-aware and cover their tracks better than I would've thought.
Patronizing? Sorry if that's how I came across. I just haven't touched anything dark-web related in over a decade and that's the mental image I get when people bring it up. And it's hard to get most people that aren't really into tech to use anything other than Chrome or the preinstalled browser.
Sorry, what? Gosh. We're talking regular old cops downloading Tor and heading to something like blueline.onion?
Or now they'll admit climate change is a thing. While claiming it's making whales gay.
I'm sure it's not much compared to what many here experienced, but it took me a long time to properly recover from this.
A couple years back on Christmas Eve, a few of my then friends, or at least acquaintances ripped apart my friend group. Doxxed me (I'm told) and slandered me for days. Basically out of nowhere from my perspective. No fights that I can recall were had shortly before and I was still having friendly conversations with the perpetrators that same day. I tried asking the "leaders" what I might've been accused of and I never got a single answer. Not even a "you should know". Just a message from my girlfriend telling me I should go offline for a while and beyond that, radio silence for a solid day.
Some time later my girlfriend told me one of them had been trying for weeks to convince her I was toxic. Manipulative. Untrustworthy. We're engaged now, somehow. She brings way more to the table than I do, but I do my best to make her days more interesting and I'm happier than I've ever been. I hope I bring her a similar comfort. I also got back in contact with a few of those old friends a year later.
But for a whole year and out of nowhere, I had to cut contact with essentially everyone I talked to online. And let's not kid ourselves, I'm an introverted nerd somewhere on the spectrum, that was basically my whole social circle. I'm told their… whatever this all was for ended up imploding, but I learned that day how easy it is to get exploited and mislead by those we trust.
If I'm not wrong, it's already illegal to even depict minors in a sexual manner in much of the world. I do think we should have specific laws against the impersonation of someone through high technological means; photoshopping their face on someone else's nude body, using generative neutral networks to make it look or sound like they did something criminal or immoral… But do you trust any current government to write such a law in a way that would be effective and wouldn't cause ridiculous amounts of collateral damage?
That one's in part because cruelty is by design I imagine, but also because the people giving those injections aren't medical professionals and can't legally obtain those substances. Guess that also explains how they can fuck up finding veins this bad. From what I've read and heard (In Last Week Tonight among others, I believe) they basically just use toxic crap that chemically burns the inmate from the inside and makes them asphyxiate while conscious. And of course they turn out to be undeserving of an execution around 5% of the time.
Is this a German thing? I've traveled many times between Canada and the USA and never had to fill any customs form.
Edit: Boy oh boy. I thought Reddit was the toxic place, but can't ask a damn question in here without getting slammed with downvotes?
On Android I like Jerboa and Liftoff. 👀 Just my random suggestions.
Three meats with some hot sauce (Like red hot, sriracha or spicy tomato salsa) on top in thin crust. But pizza is pizza.