All pronouns
This reminds me of a time I had people over when my roommates, who happened to be 2 very attractive girls, went out and just secomds after they left, a guy said “How come you get to live with 2 extremely hot girls?!” and I was like “Because I don’t say shit like that”. Wanna know the best part? His girlfriend was there.
Being a not as short person that’s into taller people but lives in a short country. All the same problems but I don’t even get to say I’m tall. I was recently in Budapest and a guy dropped a beer on me because he turned around and literally didn’t even register me existing around 20cm below his eye line. He was very nice about the whole thing and even bought me a beer but man…
Lowest level rep: We at Shopify do not support Nazis
Shitty journalist: How about Kanye specifically? Do you support him?
Rep: Uh… I guess not?
Headline: Shopify says they don’t support black artists.
Oh, I’m sure the Venn diagram between Lemmings and Linux users is a circle.
LOL it does seem eerily similar to the plot of the producers.
Unrelated but there’s a word we Mexicans use that you should look up. It’s “mamador”. No particular reason.
lol not happening. Lemme just say it again: Lemmings are completely disconnected from reality. They can’t fathom that some people can’t or don’t want to spend time figuring that out. They will argue for days that “it’s not that hard” and people should just learn how to do it or stop being lazy or whatever before doing anything about it.
Edit: I hadn’t even read the other comments in this thread before I typed this. There’s someone literally saying they want to gatekeep the fediverse from people without tech knowledge.
You’re missing the part where Trump has no authority to do any of that.
I’m sure they’ve already ran the numbers and realized getting power to exploit the people from winning is far less likely than getting it from switching sides.
No legitimate complains allowed. Didn’t you hear that Linux is perfect and there’s absolutely nothing that needs improvement?
I am 31. I will make sure to go to the local high school to find girls who just turned 18 and woo them with cheap gifts. No imbalance of power or manipulation happening between consenting adults, amirite?
Yeah… that doesn’t seem like a reliable site. According to the FAQ the owner just reads the labels and assigns a rating based on their own undocumented scoring system. They also have no particular qualifications for the work they’re doing and make several clerical errors due to their own bias. For example, they don’t count anything listed only as “protein” as protein because they don’t trust the manufacturer not to lie on the label. Given that this site gets literally all of their information from the manufacturer’s label, I’m sure you see why that’s a problem. Their information is also just plain wrong on some accounts, such as labeling Royal Canin as “significantly lower carbs than average” while most experts agree the opposite is true. The reason they get these wrong is due to a flawed methodology. They basically add up the percentages on the labels and classify whatever is left however they want.
For the record, I don’t feed my cat Royal Canin (due to the above reason), I was only commenting on the smell. Nevertheless, I would advise everyone to steer away from that site.
Yes. They are people. Probably nice people. I’m sure there’s bunch of cops who are also nice people. Doesn’t matter. The problem is systemic. ACAB includes military.
True but Royal Canin’s beef mix does smell tempting.
Do you mean “cat food isn’t even less expensive…”?
I spent more than I’d like to admit wondering “what the fuck is a wel relation?!”
I’m rooting for you to get ahead in the bell curve.
lol love how you just assumed the call center is in India
Is karma even a thing on Lemmy? Anyone? No? Yes? Ok, it doesn’t matter, I’ll take the hit if I have to: the only good thing Kojima did is Silent Hill. He’s a hack.