Diane’s NPR ringtones in Bojack Horseman
Diane’s NPR ringtones in Bojack Horseman
Super common in Vietnam. And from I’ve learned from Stephen Colbert also common in the south.
Back when Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan had their podcast they would always do a segment where they’d try different foods and had a guest on who’s favorite thing was peanut butter and pickle sandwiches (forget who the guest was). Gotta admit it made me curious because they both liked it too but I wanna know the specific brand of pickles, peanut butter, and bread to get to have the proper experience.
It does suck when there’s a bunch of stuff you want to try on the menu and itd be way easier if there were other people so you can share. Or when it’s a type of food that’s better for a group like hot pot or Korean bbq
If some stranger came up to me and promised me I would get to play with baby animals I would go too. Yea, that’s how I’d die.
I’m leaning towards him wanting to be caught. Which makes me wonder if the narc was in on it, like Luigi let a guy rat him out so that the narc could collect the reward money
Camembert followed by smoked Gouda
If we’re talking sandwiches pepper jack.
Not Peking duck unfortunately. For a couple of years instead of a turkey my brother would get Peking duck. Last year they didn’t do it because we didn’t have as many people coming so they got a turkey breast thing from Trader Joe’s (it wasn’t good, I gave my portion to my dog). This year my mom is insisting on getting thanksgiving stuff from Costco so no Peking duck this year either. Oh well, at least there’s going to be stuffing.
This applies to my dog as well.
Hopefully it’s only 2 years if dems can win back seats during the midterms
Yes, please. Protecting and solidifying rights in the areas we can is the only way we can get through this nightmare. Hopefully progressives can claw back from this although it’s going to take generations.
I hope the airline bumps her up to business or first class on the way back
I think Millicent and Winnifred would be cute because you can shorten them to Millie and Winnie
The first one that comes to mind is this one from probably the early 90s. From what I remember it was a group of kids and one of them is sick or something and the other kids try to save him? In the end they each sacrifice a year of their life so that the sick friend can live. I wanna say Steven Spielberg was a producer.
There was also that one crossover movie where a bunch of cartoon characters from whatever was popular in the 80s did an anti-drug movie.
My current tv is a 42” I got in 2012. I would love to upgrade to a bigger one, but I don’t wanna get a lame smart tv.
The Simpsons
The Magic School Bus
Honorable mention to Sailor Moon
Not fell in love per se but I had a dream I was getting married and it was clear my partner and I were really in love. There was a sense of happiness I felt that made the dream feel so real. Was sad when I woke up.
The first thing I thought seeing all those people crowded together was a bunch of them are gonna get it or give covid to others. With the cases raging recently there was definitely people there who were already infected. I really hope anyone who’s particularly susceptible/immunocompromised took proper precautions
What kind of dip do you usually get?
Shells. Also linguine and spaghetti