Waffle Stompers Anonymous
Who drinks bird milk?
I leave my gag at home when I run.
Some sort of butter would be good.
Or perhaps very enlightened.
Setec Astronomy
Cat toys.
Evolution is nothing but a series of happy accidents. And a graveyard of unhappy ones.
I’ve told you once.
In order for there to be any rental property at all, someone has to own it and be the landlord. Unless they think it should be the state. Or unless they think that everyone should always own the property where they live.
I didn’t think there is much of a logical argument for having no landlords whatsoever.
Who owns a hotel? Isn’t that just another type of landlord?
They should offer free healthcare instead.
What, the curtains?
They’re plummetting to earth like sacks of wet cement!
Not Mr. Lupner. He was born without one.