I buy most of my music from Qobuz or Bandcamp. Perfectly DRM-free with lossless compression, and it’s mine forever.
I buy most of my music from Qobuz or Bandcamp. Perfectly DRM-free with lossless compression, and it’s mine forever.
He means that he doesn’t appreciate how things are going in the US in 2025.
Ring ding ding daa baa
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba
“Yes officer, this comment right here”
Well, that’s apparently for the courts to decide. In the meantime they have an executive order to contend with. Google has reclassified the U.S. as a “sensitive country” along with other authoritarian regimes and I’m convinced that this is partly out of concern for the safety of Google employees. Who knows what maga cultists might do if they don’t comply.
Obviously that’s not going to make one iota of difference. They’re an American company and they have been ordered by the president of the country to do this. They already do similar things in other authoritarian countries like China and Turkey, because anything else would risk the safety of Google employees.
If you don’t like it, change to a non-American product and/or vote for a different president.
I got the Pixel 9P for this reason. It’s actually notably smaller than the previous models.
Astrology daughter might have her heart in the right place but she’s still stupid, and her prejudiced woo-woo beliefs are going to end up hurting people and society.
X has an estimated market cap of $9.4 billion, whereas Nestlé has a market cap of $219 billion. That’s a corporate superpower with no qualms about monopolizing freshwater or bait- & switching breast milk formula from babies. And it’s just one of the companies they’re taking on, with a shitty case to boot. So yeah… if I was Elon I would keep my head down.
I have a better idea: a laptop screen that is legible on a sunny day
The “right answers” are pretty shitty too. I would say all substances are excitations of the fermionic fields.
I am unable to parse that last paragraph
Google also said they wouldn’t kill Stadia, a month before they killed Stadia. Maybe it still lives in another universe.
Seems risky for the perpetrator, won’t they be able to trace who rented the bike?
How old are you? Of course women understand the joke. You should try hanging out with them.
Looking more like Wired has fallen from grace. Why would investors care about negative societal consequences of Big Tech as long as they make money? And it wasn’t Microsoft who cut corners, it was CrowdStrike. That’s a big enough error to be the target of a Microsoft lawsuit. I stopped reading there cause this just seems like hot garbage.
Such a lousy multiplayer game though. It was designed to give the better player handicap so their lead only increased over time, since you were awarded with more lemmings for the next level if you won the previous one.
I mean it’s pretty clear from the texts that he was resurrected and lives on forever. Most Christians seem to agree that he now hangs around like a ghost and helps you do stuff like play baseball or get a promotion. The thing that rubs me the wrong way about this story is: why isn’t he helping every baseball player equally? Obviously some are winning and some aren’t, and presumably that’s because Jesus is helping some people more than others.
Everybody prays they will win the war, but Jesus is helping one side kill more people.