Most countries where arranged marriages are still a thing so have that backwards religious view on divorce though.
Most countries where arranged marriages are still a thing so have that backwards religious view on divorce though.
Everyone knows Disney’s movies are 100% accurate depictions of reality
Around 1000AD there were no real clocks yet though. Spring driven clocks appeared in the 1500’s and pendulum clocks in 1656
Sure. And if you buy armor as well, don’t be stupid and forget the pants like in the picture.
how in the world have you not heard of Tostino Pizza Rolls
I dont think they’re sold on my continent
Not talking to your partner when you’re angry is a pretty stupid way to express your answer though
The first jacuzzis were probably using geothermal energy, but more likely volcanic heat than uranium directly.
I’m ootl, whats wrong with the lead person?
Marketing does not increase prices in itself. It can only help reach more potential customers. So it really depends on whether there’s someone out there willing to pay the increased price and if the chosen marketing method is effective in reaching those people.
This is the internet. Anyone who’s perceived as being wrong will be persecuted.
I have no clue what you’re on about. Maybe try forming a full sentence and add a bit of context.
Given the state of governments and voters around the world I’m rooting for skynet.
And if i don’t they might find out I’m in the country that i live in.
It’s an interesting attack, but I’d hardly call getting the location within a ±200 mile radius deanonymisation, especially if it’s so easily avoided by using a vpn.
If you make it “all human live” it starts to look quite attractive again
Teenagers hardly know who Nietzsche was, let alone claim his work to justify anything. The few who do know about him are not the ones living hedonistically.
I’m not suggesting another cultuur or religion is backwards, only that their views on divorce often are. The result of these views often is that women get stuck in abusive marriages and have no way to get out. I know people who are in arranged marriages. Some of them are happy, but the ones that are not are stuck.