Exactly. It was murder and its pissing me off the news is making it about firearm safety gone wrong. And the poor kids sound like they were abused in this foster care setting… This girl was shot point blank in the chest. Hope there is some justice.This poor child.
Definitely cooler than me and most the people I know
He is my spirit animal and reddit origin story. A friendly lemmy user suggested I turn him into a meme. He is so worthy of being seen. I parked next to this dog 12 years ago, took this pic, best day ever.
It is a cardigan with a collard shirt. The way his elbow is propped and the glare he’s giving me…one of the luckiest days of my life.
Here’s the picture in case you want to see it and say nice things. I thought it was worthy.
My very first ever post on Reddit,12 years ago, the first commentor called me a fa**ot and the second commentor told me ‘KYS’. I posted a picture of a dog sitting in the driver seat of a car with his elbow hanging out and he was wearing a sweater. It was discouraging to say the least and burned me pretty bad. I deleted the post, tried to wipe it from my memory, continued on reddit for the next decade treading lightly knowing how toxic and mean it could be.
The Sixth Sense