> I don’t want to work at this company anymore so I quit, I just don’t feel like working here anymore
Seems ok for the employee to quit “at will” so why not for the employer?
It’s sincere, I don’t think people are thinking through what they’re asking for
I’m not particularly “vindictive” but these are the kinds of cases where capital punishment / death penalty seem justified
You just can’t do it like that, because you woke up grumpy that particular morning
That should be fine though, that’s freedom of association, why force people to work together who don’t want to do so?
the “valid reason” is you don’t like them, why would we want to force people to work together who don’t like each other?
I do think it’s good to create a healthy culture that respects workers, but I don’t understand why being able to fire an employee is a bad thing
Imagine you’re not allowed to fire people you don’t like who you think are doing a bad job at work
if you try “leftists (or liberals) more likely to be mentally ill” in a search engine you see things like:
American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives, a trend that mental-health experts suspect is at least partly explained by liberals’ tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change.
Marriage is the sacred bond between a husband and wife which may allow for the biological production of children, as God created people male or female “in the image of God”
It’s therefore impossible for two people of the same gender to marry as it is outside of the divinely constituted institution of marriage, and the encyclical discusses at length the beauty of the matrimonial union
Higher-ups in the Church would therefore of course not sanction unnatural unions and would insist upon relationships that satisfy the mutual longing of man and woman
“press X to doubt”
not entirely sure why either, could be bots or I tried to post in gaming communities and maybe it’s not thought to be a (video) game so then those posters followed over here
> you deserve to die because of bad things (a) parent(s) do(es)
> you deserve to die because of bad things (a) parent(s) do(es)
anyone who does any actual housework
I think you understand, maybe others have not had the same experience, and I should have perhaps asked people if they have done or do housework and have “felt the burn” from it or not
artificial exercise equipment at home
This was also what I was reasoning lately, that I would try to “exercise” and do “chores” and it was kind of overwhelming, so maybe I could just skip the “exercise” and get more chores done, which is a win win on saving time not “exercising” and getting exercise from the physical chores or work. I’ve sometimes felt like gyms are a “scam”, in that there’s probably some kind of practical manual labor “work” that could be done as “exercise” instead that produces something.
housework burns a lot of calories
I guess I should have added more clarity. There may be a few reasons why people don’t recognize housework as “exercise”.
Firstly, the word “housework” is a bit unclear. Maybe I consider more broadly things to be “housework” while some people are envisioning something simpler like baking which may seem to be pretty inactive if you’re just moving some light ingredients around.
Another issue is everyone’s living space may be different; for example, people with stairs might burn more calories going up and down them versus people on a flat level or with elevators.
Maybe some people move slowly, where they might be able to move faster, or lift less weight when they might be able to load themselves with more for a greater workout at once, or maybe they don’t do as much when they could add more chores to their routine.
Some of the tasks include:
cleaning, which might involve walking around to mop or scrubbing (which feels like an intense workout of muscles).
moving things around, like groceries, trash, machines like vacuum cleaners, laundry, furniture, children, etc.
moving up and down stairs, which burn about double the calories versus walking (this may depend on people’s environment)
walking around in general which can involve a lot of steps
making things, or like weeding, working with manual tools, and so on
a lot of people don’t consider housework to be exercise for some reason
element / matrix instead
cooking at home
To note, sometimes it can be good to taste the local food and have the local food experience, but this is a !frugal tip for those who are inclined to save some money this way
thanks for catching that! There is a micromoon this week, but on Wednesday, and I grabbed the wrong article (that one should still be informative about micromoons)
This article mentions the correct date: https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/moon/micro-moon.html
> a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time
> dogma : a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts
looks like Francis is wrong, and not a Catholic nor a pope