Reminds me of Wendy’s recruiting campaign “A career at Wendy’s serves me right”
Reminds me of Wendy’s recruiting campaign “A career at Wendy’s serves me right”
This is a better argument to adopt Rust than memory safety or even sane package management.
I don’t by default dislike Americans, but I don’t think I can trust Americans by default anymore.
He got reelected after Jan 6, after project 2025 was released publicly, after “dictator on day one”, after everything.
There are a TON of Americans I deeply respect. But the speed at which you turned your backs on us, and the lack of internal outcry speaks volumes. Over 100 years of cooperation thrown down the drain in less than a single month.
That is the law. I’m sorry.
Reoffenders get J
They’ve already got the requisite skills for Unix
man kill
pkill -P <parent_pid> —signal SIGKILL
killall -9
I wouldn’t say I have/had crippling depression, but getting meds for anxiety really opened my eyes in how much depression was affecting my life.
I’m in Canada, but my meds cost $40 for 3 months, the generics are fairly affordable.
If you’re able start a conversation with your doctor and say exactly what you posted here.
It’s like the time I had a sorcerer NPC cast fireball on themself to get a total party kill.
I still laugh about the time a company I worked for bought all the mobile devs less powerful laptops, and then they didn’t have enough storage to install Android studio.
Same here. Even down to the same age.
This is my issue with all these “common sense” conservative ideas.
Yes, often common sense is good, but reality has complexity and nuance and you don’t get to just pretend them out of existence.
With all due respect, depression and anxiety go back in my family lineage at least the three generations upwards from me, and down to the younger generation below me.
There’s a real genetic component to this, and brain chemistry is still not well understood.
Obviously we should fight the cause not the symptoms, but if the cause is genetic you can’t exactly fix it (sure there’s eugenics, but myself and lots of family members are well respected in our fields, from trades to sciences, some of the anxious traits make us excel at things).
When I started taking antidepressants last year my life changed. Colours seemed brighter, music sounds better, I can get stuff done better than ever, my relationships are better, I’m a much happier and more stable person.
I get what you’re saying, there are bad doctors, that goes both ways. I grew up with a doctor who didn’t believe in depression, so nobody in my family ever got treated or diagnosed for any mental illnesses. Imagine having an issue but because it can’t be clearly tested for, or some doctors are lazy, now you just don’t get any treatment. That’s not better.
Try adding “old.” before your insurance URL, if installed its a reproduction of the OG reddit layout
If it were me as a hacker and I wanted to cause real damage:
“The US Federal Reserve is now deleted, US currency to be backed by bitcoin”
“We have found evidence Fort Knox contains no gold. Biggest fraud in history”
“US military contracts cancelled due to extreme overpayment”
This <redacted> thinks DOGE uses SQL
The fediverse situation has been improved a lot since the first API migration, hope you enjoy it here!
The comments flag needs more support.
Looks cool!
Thank you for updating the link!
I wish Sony didn’t age verify their videos so aggressively.
I don’t have an account to log in to prove my age.
It baffles me that a “news” site with a storm trooper helmet is treated as a source in that tweet.
T the irony of storm troopers being empire drones representing “freedom” of any sort.