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Cake day: October 3rd, 2023

  • Now, for legal purposes, let me say I’m not asking for or instructing anyone to do this. But at this point, I think Musk needs a visit from a Luigi-type stochastic terrorist. If one was about to kill oneself, and statistically, there’ll be people who read this who are, consider taking out Musk before you go. You’ll be a martyr and a celebrated hero across the internet. You’ll also be giving a massive gift to humankind.

    On a personal level, to anyone reading this: I’m sorry that we’re at this spot, it sucks.

  • Oh lol, that’s weird, I thought it was common knowledge that China censors some types of speech, similarly to every other nation. If I was running a state, I’d want to censor transphobic slurs, arguments for gender inequality, pro-Capitalist propaganda, racism, etc. IMO there’s nothing inherently morally wrong about censorship, and I see a lot of think pieces from US / NATO outlets like Voice of America yelling that China is bad because it censors speech, without giving any context or nuance about what type of speech is being censored and also distracting from the US’s massive censorship.

    On the oppression point - I guess it mostly matters who’s getting oppressed. If it’s regular working people being oppressed, fuck that, but if we implemented policies as a society that forced billionaires to give up their wealth I’m sure they’d cry about being “oppressed”. I don’t have any sympathy for the cries of CEOs and mega-landlords about how they’re being oppressed by being forced to give back their stolen wealth.

  • Actually, the opinion I see most often on .ml is that modern day Russia sucks, and is bad because they’ve turned into a capitalist warmongering empire similar to the US. People are pretty mixed on China, but legit if you just look at the technological advances coming out of China - just verified stuff that’s been scientifically proven and then deployed - it’s pretty impressive, especially surrounding batteries. So, if you’re suspicious of China then any good news about China will come off as a conspiracy, but in reality things are pretty mixed and there’s a lot of good and bad about nations, and no one state is all good or all bad. Anyone reducing the complexity of geopolitics down to one nation = good / other nation = bad is either dumb, trolling, not speaking in good faith, indoctrinated or just repeating propaganda.

  • I’m so tired of being the Cassandra of my social life - I call this shit out years ahead of time and nobody believes me or takes my analysis seriously because I said that I’m a communist. Like, holy shit, yes, I am a communist - I want workers to own the entirety of society. That’s the exact opposite of these fascist fucks who essentially want bosses, money and corps to control society. I’m a communist because I saw this fascism coming, I recognized the patterns and incentive structures in society, and realized communism is the best way to defeat fascism - we have to decisively win the class war. And this is a war, don’t confuse it. Mark my words, now that things have gotten to this point, massive violence is inevitable soon.

  • Capitalists can choose to give up their property and become workers like the rest of us, or they can get the wall and then their property is redistributed. The capitalist class has colonized our society, and their enforcers are the police. And according to Franz Fanon’s books on anticolonial struggle in Algeria, colonial relations never go away unless fought with anticolonial violence to oppose the violence of the colonizers. Ultimately, violence is what is needed to force those in power to give up their wealth, and if they gave up their wealth willingly then violence would not be necessary.

  • I believe I’m one of those knowledge workers. I do cybersecurity and I’m actively working on trying to unionize the sector. I’m not management, and I don’t have hiring or firing power, and I’m reliant on wages to survive.

    Actually, I can see the comparison. Many cybersecurity people don’t challenge the power relations in their workplace and instead act as enforcers of corporate policy. That always disappoints me, and I can see the pattern of how even our relative privilege is being actively reduced. I just hope more cybersecurity people will recognize the class struggle we have to wage and organize in solidarity with the rest of the working class.

  • I get where you’re going with this, and yeah, the PMC helps hold the current system in place. I was thinking about the cybersecurity/engineers/architects/other better paid workers who are still subject to class exploitation even though they’re better off than a line cook.

    Also, I like your bit about the professional managerial class being an ideological shield - I see that happening in the workplace all the time where people won’t consider rocking the boat because they want to be management one day.

  • There is no middle class - there is the working class and the exploiter class. People have misidentified a chunk of the relatively better off working class as somehow not part of the working class. Over time the systems of capitalism and the power imbalances at the heart of the non-unionized workplace will eventually reduce better off workers to the lowest common denominator as the exploiter class demands perpetually growing profit that must come at the cost of the working class.