If girls start gluing their bangs with hairspray again I am done. They're already bringing back the abomination that was mom jeans ffs enough is enough! The bangs and damaged hairlines in another generation of women is going too far. Half of us don't even have eyebrows anymore let the 80s die 😭
It's the 90s again, everyone stop using aerosol!
If girls start gluing their bangs with hairspray again I am done. They're already bringing back the abomination that was mom jeans ffs enough is enough! The bangs and damaged hairlines in another generation of women is going too far. Half of us don't even have eyebrows anymore let the 80s die 😭
Dang, what am I going to do with all this AquaNet ive got?
Is stepson aerosol like knock off store brand aerosol? It's it also red headed?