In remarks at a judicial conference in Minnesota, Kavanaugh touted the court’s mixed decision votes this past term and his close relationships with other justices.
And we should all listen to the SCOTUS justice who committed perjury to be confirmed.
Why are you making this political?
If it’s not an institution of politics, then stop inserting your politics into it, you tool.
That’s as stupid as saying the Senate is an institution of law, not politics.
It’s both, you disingenuous dumbfuck.
In a democratic society everything is political. What beer you drank at lunch is a political question. The Supreme Court is and has always been a political institution whether we or they claim it is or isn’t.
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And yet there are a striking number of high profile cases decided on a party line 6/3 vote. They can tout the supposed impartiality of the court all they like, but the numbers show otherwise.
Toss in the refusal to have a hearing on Garland with nearly a year left of Obama’s term, then rushing Kavanaugh in, and of course changing tune when RBG died at the end of Trump’s term to claim it was important to seat someone right away where both politcally motivated. Had none of the above nonsense happened the slant of the court would be much different now.
How many of those 65 lunches are on a private yacht belonging to one of the justices’ donors?
Thos lunches are off the books.
I had a state supreme court justice do me a solid one time. I brought her office staff donuts as a thank you and she refused them to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
These justices taking lavish vacations know exactly what they are doing.
Just remember that nearly the whole court came together in a kumbaya moment to screw unions. 8-1 decision, with Jackson being the sole dissenter.
Never mind the nonsense that he spouts, the very existence of this crying beer baby as a supreme court judge is a mockery of the institution itself.
I guess that’s how you got that job, eh Kav? All that supposed knowledge of law you have that we’re still waiting for proof of. Your politics had nothing to do with it, right? 🙄