A senior Palestinian official says President Mahmoud Abbas has canceled his participation in a meeting scheduled Wednesday with President Joe Biden and other Mideast leaders.
Regardless the point is a dictionary does not define words but rather describes how they are used. Even if it covered national militaries, which it does not, it wouldn't support your claim. In fact it would be an "appeal to authority"
Your reference to academic debate in a previous comment is hilarious. Academics know how to stay on topic.
The original comment you replied to was referencing Israel's behavior as terroristic. You provided a counter argument that nation states cannot conduct terrorism based on the definition of the term terrorism. When provided with evidence supporting the opposing claim, you say the evidence is not valid because it is not authoritative. You then say there is no authoritative source for such evidence. You then use a classic goal post argument method of saying, "even if your argument is invalid, that doesn't work because x," rather than focusing on the original argument. You also misuse appeal to authority. Appeal to authority as a fallacy is only a fallacy when the item in question isn't explicitly defined by that authority. When you moved the goal post, you operated under the assumption of your continued argument that dictionaries are authoritative. However, your language is imprecise enough that you're going to claim you didn't make that assumption.
That is not proper academic debate method. That is political debate method. This is the kind of shit that makes it difficult to make meaningful progress today. But hey, since we're not doing proper academic debate anyway, I'll indulge in some ad hominem. You're a terrible person for trying to confound a serious issue with irrelevant pedantic arguments and arguments in bad faith. Fuck off. No one cares if "terrorism" - as defined by you as some authority on words - can be applied to nation states. A nation state committed an act meant to cause terror in civilians (in order to take their land). People understood that as the intent, which is the purpose of words anyway.
Correct. There is no authority in language except French. So your pedantic arguments are also flawed. Your own argument works against you
TBF it is called the Lingua Franca. Obviously French is correct.
Sorry, what is called the Lingua Franca? I missed which part you're referencing
I only made the French comment because the French government has an official entity granted the authority to define the official French language.
The lingua Franca is the main tongue used in the world at the time. It's called that because it used to be French, now it's English.
You're one of today's lucky 10,000!
Ah, you were referencing English. Thank you.
Ah! I learned something recently about lingua franca. It was a combination of French and Italian jargon. https://www.britannica.com/topic/lingua-franca
What are today's lucky 10,000?
I've never got a double, thank you for being my first!
There is also ones for other languages.
Regardless the point is a dictionary does not define words but rather describes how they are used. Even if it covered national militaries, which it does not, it wouldn't support your claim. In fact it would be an "appeal to authority"
Okay, I'm out, have fun troll.
Im not a troll you just do not seem to understand how to have a discussion.
Your reference to academic debate in a previous comment is hilarious. Academics know how to stay on topic.
The original comment you replied to was referencing Israel's behavior as terroristic. You provided a counter argument that nation states cannot conduct terrorism based on the definition of the term terrorism. When provided with evidence supporting the opposing claim, you say the evidence is not valid because it is not authoritative. You then say there is no authoritative source for such evidence. You then use a classic goal post argument method of saying, "even if your argument is invalid, that doesn't work because x," rather than focusing on the original argument. You also misuse appeal to authority. Appeal to authority as a fallacy is only a fallacy when the item in question isn't explicitly defined by that authority. When you moved the goal post, you operated under the assumption of your continued argument that dictionaries are authoritative. However, your language is imprecise enough that you're going to claim you didn't make that assumption.
That is not proper academic debate method. That is political debate method. This is the kind of shit that makes it difficult to make meaningful progress today. But hey, since we're not doing proper academic debate anyway, I'll indulge in some ad hominem. You're a terrible person for trying to confound a serious issue with irrelevant pedantic arguments and arguments in bad faith. Fuck off. No one cares if "terrorism" - as defined by you as some authority on words - can be applied to nation states. A nation state committed an act meant to cause terror in civilians (in order to take their land). People understood that as the intent, which is the purpose of words anyway.