Is anyone surprised? The only thing I hope will happen is that people put the blame where it belongs and not by the developers.
So what did they do for the other eight months?
Wank party
They had a whole year and came up with this?! /s
I had to look up gameplay since I didn't even hear about this game, and it's way worse than I expected. I would have loved a remaster of the PS2 version that I was too scared to play as a child though.
DK in smash Bros has more abilities than Kong does in this turd lol
To be honest this game made my day when I saw it lmao couldn't stop laughing
I watch sometimes watch a couple of youtubers making a video game without talking to each other. Every one has just has something like 4 hours to work on the game, before passing it to the next deveoloper. And every game they produce in their 16 to 20 hours total looks better than this thing.
I saw someone playing it on twitch. This is a new game and not on PS2?
You know what else was made in a year? Doom 2, one of the best games of all time.
Apples and oranges. Making a pc game in 1993 was completely different than making a modern game.
Yeah can’t blame devs. They did what they can with the time they had. Blame the people who only gave them a year…
to go further — some classic games were made by a single person on a single device and distributed by hand/mail.
Doom 2… a glorified Doom modpack made by a team of several people. Of course it only took a year.
Doom 2 added few features and had almost identical graphics, copying many assets. It would be an easy list for any dev. Oh yeah, it also had some of the smartest and most skilled developers in gaming.
Doom was made in 13 months.
GTA vice city and Zelda Majora's mask were also developed in under a year
So was Fallout New Vegas.
Though I would hesitate to count Fallout or Majora's Mask here because they were based on existing games, so the breadth of the work on things like mechanics had already been done, and they had the ability to re-use a lot of assets.
I don't know the extent of asset or code reuse for Vice City, so I can't really say if that should be counted the same or not.
Literally every game mentioned here had massive asset and code reuse. Doom 2 was basically a modpack for Doom. Add a couple of weapons, a couple of enemies, some more levels, job done, call it a sequel. The fact that the weapons and enemies changed the gameplay so much was probably more of an accident than anything else.
GTA 3, VC, and SA are basically the same engine with some changes here and there. A lot of asset reuse. All were buggy as shit on launch. Sometimes with the same bug that was never fixed.
FNV was FO3 with different color filters and fewer buildings. It's why the game was mainly story-driven rather than action and had less in the way of exploration. You do the best with what you have.
It's always easier to follow up than it is to lead.
Also worth noting that fnv was developed under heavy crunch and it's a miracle the game is as good as it is. It's the exception, not the rule.
And it was broken and buggy as shit. In many ways it still is, with loading screens being an appropriate roll of the dice as to whether or not they'll crash to desktop.
It's far from an example of what can be done quickly and is, in reality, a total indictment of that kind of stupidly short turnaround time.
Fallout New Vegas is still considered to be one of the best Fallout games ever. I expect there was significant overlap in the development period with Fallout 3 though so just subtracting one release date from another doesn't represent the amount of time in development.
Vice City was more like 18 months of development, some of which overlapped with GTA III. I suppose it helps to have a working game engine and an experienced development team who can iterate on something they're already made.
This isn't a great take as the infrastructure from GTA3 and Ocarina of Time were already in place for those games.
This is like saying that because you can write a sentence in one hour someone else should be able to write a trilogy of 1000 page books in an hour too.