Will probably get down voted to heck, but Battle Field 2042 goes on sale pretty regularly and is a good bit of fun since they fixed a lot of the issues from it's atrocious launch.
I've had it on my wishlist, but I hesitate to buy anything from BF or CoD only for it to be replaced a year later and no one to play with. I mean, CSGo/CS2 has been going strong for years and in that time there have been like a dozen of each of the other franchises released.
Will probably get down voted to heck, but Battle Field 2042 goes on sale pretty regularly and is a good bit of fun since they fixed a lot of the issues from it's atrocious launch.
I've had it on my wishlist, but I hesitate to buy anything from BF or CoD only for it to be replaced a year later and no one to play with. I mean, CSGo/CS2 has been going strong for years and in that time there have been like a dozen of each of the other franchises released.