i don't want to offend anyone, but some open source/privacy enthusiasts dislike google, but why?? google has made chromium, android, etc and most of the things they do are open source, and not only that, they also support creative commons media or public domain. i know the privacy concernes they may have, but they would never do anything bad to you. i love google personally because of their commitment to open source software.
please don't say that. i just really love google and want to know the opinion of other people. and don't worry, i am also a fan of open source!!
You shouldn't love any company. They won't love you back. They only use you to make money.
maybe they won't love me back personally, but they will love the community back. for example the cute android easter eggs, the offline dinosaur game, it's like a hug to the community.
You really need to read more and gain yourself some perspective on the way corporations are now structured to drain any and all value from users/customers and funnel it to (mainly the majority) shareholders, using any tactics that they Believe they can legally get away with. This includes lobbying (re: bribery) for legislation and/or legal decisions that work in their favor.
They add those so you will feel warm and cuddly and spend more money. They would sell out an entire community for a nickel.
They already have sold out entire communities. It was more than a nickle, though.