Don't perpetuate keeping salaries secret, it hurts all our income.
I'll show you mine:
[There's nothing here].
wow my history is identical :0
what a coincidence
I'm pretty sure almost no nerds use chatgpt, as chatgpt kinda takes the nerdiness out of the nerd.
Script kiddy might fit better, looking at stackoverflow from the past half year.
Yeah, you’re kinda right. Nerd doesn’t fit perfectly
I have never used ChatGPT
how are you immune to the evil magical chat app?
It's simple, I saw it for the con what it is from the very beginning.
I'd say lucky you, but man AI is wonderful. Like it'll have lasting negative effects that's for sure.
I mostly use it for 3 things:
- to do my homework, fk school
- syntax, like "[1…] in py"
- to write one-liners (in code) or regex or something that'd take much more time then worth.
Here's my last one, I'm pretty fucking boring:
Please provide a comma separated list of US state and territory postal abbreviations, with each item in single quotes.
Sure! Here is a comma-separated list of US state and territory postal abbreviations in single quotes:
'AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV', 'WI', 'WY', 'AS', 'DC', 'FM', 'GU', 'MH', 'MP', 'PW', 'PR', 'VI'
Please note that AS refers to American Samoa, DC refers to the District of Columbia, FM refers to Federated States of Micronesia, GU refers to Guam, MH refers to Marshall Islands, MP refers to Northern Mariana Islands, PW refers to Palau, PR refers to Puerto Rico, and VI refers to the U.S. Virgin Islands.