I have to believe the peer pressure for having a green bubble is pretty intense. Today’s teenagers are still mostly children of boomer/gen x parents as well so their hand-me-downs aren’t going to be top shelf android hardware.
I’d be interested to see what these numbers look like in 6 or 7 years. 22-23 years old is when you first have disposable income and are still idealistic. The openness of Android was a big draw for me at that age before I eventually switched to iPhone
in my teenager years I was always fascinated by complicated things, even rooted my Android phone and customized it with CyanogenMod quite a lot.
Sure, witnessed a lot of bugs, some of them more disturbing that others, but it was a cool learning process.
With age, family, kids and more responsibilities, I just wanted something that “just works” as I didn’t have enough time to troubleshoot anymore 😞
I don’t think it’s ok to generalize what teenagers want, at that age I wasn’t even sure what I want with my life haha
i was in high school around the ending years of apple's golden era, and i don't remember the reputation being so starkly different; if anything tech and the internet and phones as a whole weren't really cool to care about whatsoever – now it's just the world they live in…
the ending years of apple’s golden era
When exactly was that? Apple's never been more popular than they are now.
Android was cool as a teen because they had more games and emulators I could play during classes. Nowadays I have an iPhone because it just works for 3 years, then gets a new battery for like $100, and works for another 3 years. That’s 6 years of phone for $1500 for 6 years of phone if you go for a pro with 256GB
Really? I thought the Z Flip was pretty popular
Android was made for teenagers, WTF are you talking about? 😅
A good way to live your life is to take whatever is cool to teenagers and do the opposite. You'll come out ahead 9 times out of 10
That's bad advice. Teens are often more idealistic and in that have great ideas and passions we often lose as we age.
Too late, I’m gonna be a bitter climate change denier.
Teenagers don’t even know what sex they are, why would I listen to them about anything? 😅