This is for people that I live with.

I don't mean any lame team building exercises, but casual group activities. It could be something mundane like organizing a trip to the store together. Movie trips would also be fine as would showing something on the home projector, though I feel like there'd be more distractions and temptation at home.

  • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️@7.62x54r.ruOP
    1 year ago

    I used to watch my sister play (pre transition) and it always seemed like the fun would somehow devolve out of it. It would take forever and play style always turned into the same exact thing.

    Adding a suppression mechanic seems like a huge benefit because it always seemed weird how people would play and the fact that such play styles would work out.

    Smaller army sizes seems like it would be better.

    I'm not sure how the turns will work, but hopefully it addresses the issues of entire armies doing everything in one turn.